Pour Over Brewing Guide


This recipe is for any cone dripper and the brewing ratio followed is 1:15. If you wish to use different quantities of coffee and water in your recipe, please note that the strength and flavours in the cup will be affected by this.


Step One
Heat a kettle of filter water to 94° - 95°C (or boil and then let sit for a few minutes before using).

Step Two
Weigh out 15g of filter roasted coffee and grind to a medium setting. If you do not have a grinder, our lovely staff can grind your beans for you. Stop by Britomart/Parnell/the Roastery in Ōrākei.

Step Three
Position your filter cone dripper on top of a mug or jug and line it with the paper filter. Pour some water on the filter to allow for it to stick to the surface of the dripper and to minimize coffee and the same time warm up the cup/jug by pouring hot water into it.

Step Four
Empty the water from your pre-heated jug and place back together on the scale. Tare the scale.

Step Five
Add 15g of coffee to the dripper and level off by tapping the sides of the dripper. Tare the scale again and as you are getting ready to pour the water, start your timer.

Step Six
Pour the first 50mL of water and ensure all the coffee grounds are submerged. Let the coffee sit undisturbed for 30 seconds. Add more water until you reach 150g and wait a few seconds. Resume pouring water until you reach the final weight of 230g.

Step Seven
Stir for the last time and allow the coffee to slowly drip into the cup/jug. The entire brew should take 2:30 - 3:30 minutes.

Step Eight
When the coffee bed is dry, remove the cone dripper from the cup/jug. 

Enjoy your drip coffee!

  • Generic Recipes:

    One cup = 15g coffee/230 - 250mL water
    Two cup = 30g coffee/ 500 - 530mL water

    Use the above as a starting point, but adjust the recipe to your own flavour preferences.

  • Extraction Time:

    If the extraction time is too long or too short, make an adjustment on the grind size. The finer the grind, the longer the brew will take and vice versa.

  • Ethiopian Coffees:

    Due to these coffees growing at a higher elevation, the beans are denser and this affects the brewing time making it a lot slower. This is absolutely normal, you can try making a small adjustment to the grind size but don't go too coarse as you will lose some of the delicious flavours.